Group of cyclists ride with fence, farm, and mountains in the background

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Sports Nutrition


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Fast Talk Podcast: Endurance Sports Training and Nutrition from Fast Talk Laboratories

Are You Ready for Race Season?

In this week's episode, our hosts talk about the best work to do leading into the race season, getting meditative during intervals, and preparing for an epic event.


How endurance athletes train, when they train, and the intensity and duration of that training all affect the gains and adaptations they see. Proper interval execution is essential to see the expected progress. How you analyze and interpret all that data is equally valuable. Of course, training needs to be planned so it fits into any given season, race schedule, and lifestyle. Off the bike, the importance of strength and conditioning is often neglected. This is training. This process is what athletes live for.  
Explore Training
Cyclists using polarized training

Polarized Training Pathway

World-class athletes have proven just how effective low-intensity training can be when combined with a small (but mighty) dose of high-intensity work. In collaboration with Dr. Stephen Seiler, Fast Talk Labs has put together everything you need to know on the topic of polarized training.
Cycling Interval Training Pathway - Fast Talk Labs

Cycling Interval Training Pathway

Interval workouts are a fundamental part of any endurance training program. Learn exactly what intervals are, why they are so important, and how to properly execute interval workouts with the help of Sebastian Weber, Neal Henderson, and Dr. Stephen Seiler.
How to Build an Annual Training Plan

How to Develop a Yearly Training Plan

We review the art and science of developing and maintaining an annual training plan, which helps athletes progress and perform at their best.
group of cyclists

Base Training for Time-Crunched Athletes

It’s hard to find time to fit in the long, slow miles that traditionally comprise the base season. Coach Trevor Connor offers suggestions for improving life-training balance, understanding quality versus quantity, and more.


Humans aren't machines—we're much more complicated. Exercise physiology involves changes in the body from exercise and rest. From anaerobic threshold to environmental acclimatization, from FTP to PGC-1 alpha, we explore the science of human performance.
Explore Physiology

The Science Behind Going Slow to Be Fast

The concepts of central and peripheral conditioning help explain why an effective training base period leads to speed and durability in the race season.
lactate-workload plot of thresholds

The True Definition of Threshold

Your lactate threshold may not be what you think it is. Coach Trevor Connor explores the true definition of this physiological turn point.


Structured Workouts. Strength & Mobility. Core Exercises.

Change up your workouts--and understand the how and why--with these Fast Talk Labs workouts.

Our coaches and special guests share exercises and workout sessions to help you develop specific fitness adaptations. Need more help with your workouts? Talk with our coaches.
Explore Workouts


It’s often overlooked, and sometimes altogether forgotten. But it never should be. Recovery is just as important to strong performances as your daily workouts and weekly riding volume. That’s because recovery is when adaptation happens. Learn how to master this critical and often overlooked side of the training balance equation.
Explore Recovery
Fast Talk Podcast NormaTec

Recovery Pathway

It’s often undervalued, and sometimes altogether ignored; but it shouldn’t be. Recovery from workouts is as important to the training process as the workouts themselves. With the help of Dr. Stephen Seiler, Dr. Shona Halson, Dr. Andy Pruitt, and many others, we examine this critical but often neglected component of exercise physiology.
relax to recover

The Key to Recovery? Take Care of Your Brain

Many tools and techniques promise recovery benefits. But the science suggests that the fundamentals—sleep and nutrition to fuel the brain—may be the best place to invest.
Normatec recovery boots

Enhancing Your Recovery with NormaTec

Recovering from a big ride can be helped by NormaTec, a medical device company, that crafts inflatable compression wear for athletes. Research has shown this type of recovery enhancement can have significant impacts on a host of factors, both molecular and circulatory.

Sports Nutrition

Eating properly for the demands of endurance sports can be challenging. Without the right fuel, performance and recovery will be compromised. Learn how to master and implement a sports nutrition strategy that works for you, whether that’s during your workouts or races.
Explore Sports Nutrition
sports nutrition for beginners

Sports Nutrition for Beginners

Eating properly for the demands of endurance sports can be challenging, especially if you're new to sport. We explore common misconceptions and pitfalls for the beginner endurance athlete.
Fast Talk Labs Sports Nutrition Pathway

Sports Nutrition Pathway

Sports nutrition is one of the most personal and controversial subjects among athletes. Everyone has an opinion; often those claims lack scientific basis. With the help of world-renowned experts, including Dr. Asker Jeukendrup, Dr. Timothy Noakes, and Dr. John Hawley, we examine the nuances of fueling your body for performance and health.

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